About DAUS

DAUS – Danish Society for Ultrasound in General Practice – is an association for everyone who wants to promote the use of ultrasound in general practice in Denmark. The purpose of the association is to promote research, quality development, education and appropriate use of ultrasound diagnostics in general practice. Doctors, medical students and other health professionals connected to general practice are accepted as members.

DAUS history:

Interest group for ultrasound in general practice under DSAM is being established.
Regional groups
The first ultrasound course at “Lægedage” is established.

The first research studies about ultrasound in general practice are started in Aalborg.
The first appetizer courses.

February: The first ground course for ultrasound in general practice is held in Aarhus.
Facebook group established.
“Common trunk” for ultrasound in general practice is being defined and revised through the following years.

Establisment of a research group for ultrasound (“new technology”) is established at Researc unit for General Practice at Aalborg University (aka CAMAAU) Second annual meeting for ultrasound is held in Odense (first meeting since 2013).

DAUS is founded as an independent scientific society at the annual meeting in Middelfart.

DAUS basic courses are established and tested through the following years.

DAUS and CAMAAU makes program theory for implementation of research,
education and quality for ultrasound in general practice Actioncards are being developed.


The first PhD about ultrasound in general practice
DAUS recommendations for ultrasound education in general practice.

Actioncards and DAUS recommendations are released at the internet at
DAUS makes the first continuing courses
The CAMAAU model for basic courses is being established and tested (among these 3-day courses distributed over 3 months with online education in-between) Ultrasound project as part of an agreement with the healthcare authorities are established.

The greatest ultrasound project for general practice ever is approved.
ENUGP (European Network for Ultrasound in General Practice) is being established at the Nordic conference for general practice in Stavanger, Norway. Amongst these, participants from Norway, France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and other
participating attendants at the meeting.

The ultrasound group becomes an independent group under CAMAAU
Form January the 10 basic courses start to run across the whole of Denmark for the greatest ultrasound project ever.

Core values we aim to achieve


Promote research, quality development and education

The research projects are carried out in collaboration with Center for General Practice at Aalborg University (CAM AAU).


Appropriate use of ultrasound diagnostics in general practice

Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) can be used as a rapid diagnostic tool (bedside) that will typically answer simple clinical questions e.g gallstones "yes" or "no".


Knowledge sharing and active forum for members

DAUS addresses general practitioners in Denmark who have a special interest in Point-of-Care Ultrasound as a diagnostic tool and for the use in their own clinic